Friday 22 November 2013

3 Funny/Amazing Tricks For Notepad

best tips for notepad
The notepad is known to be simple pad for comments. Often people do not like to use notepad.
Today we are presenting some notepad funny tricks. You can use it as fun, as well as of knowledge. Confirm your anti-virus status This tip is used for the control antivirus activity. If you have the feeling that your antivirus software does not work well, then you can confirm this by using this trick.
1. Open Notepad and type this code. X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*
2. Now, save it with extension "exe" (such as the antivirus.exe).
3. If your antivirus software is working properly, and then it will detect this file and will try to remove the that you save.
4. If your antivirus attempts to delete this file, it means that your antivirus is working properly and if she has not try to remove this file, then you must use some other reliable antivirus software. hint for world trade center each body knows about 9/11. The flight number of the aircraft was Q33N.

Okay! Now See Some Amazing Trick

1. Open Notepad and type this number Q33N.
2. Increase font size of 70, or 80, etc.
3. Now, select the number and change its font to "Wingdings".
4. Accordingly, you will be shocked to see the resulting shape. Q33N LOG trick.

If you want to do a journal which inserts date and time automatically and then use this trick

1. Open the Notepad.
2. Type ( .LOG ) (without brackets).
3. Save this file with any name e.g. agenda, etc.
4. Reopen the file and see the log book magic.
5. You'll see that the current date and time are automatically inserted.
6. It will happen every time NOTEPADE "Hide Text" MAGIC - Open Notepad and type 4 words separated by spaces. The letters of these words should be 4,3,3,5 . For example you can write "mark the kid to come" or "the boys are not fast" it is also called 4335 rule. · Save this file with any name.
Reopen your file and see magic. Restart your PC quickly. This trick helps you to shut down your computer quickly after showing a message box.
To apply this tip:
Open notepad - write this code @echo off Msg * i am dead tired now. Stop -c "Error! I will sleep now! Good bye" -s · save this file on the desktop with extension bat. · Fact. · Double-click the saved file, you will see a message and your pc restarts.


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